“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

-Dr Wayne Dyer


Science tells us that only about 5% of our thoughts come from our conscious mind while 95% come from our subconscious or programmed mind. Stored in our subconscious mind are thoughts, beliefs and perceptions that were formed during our early childhood years and influenced by our environment, experiences and those around us. The imprint of false and limiting beliefs buried deep in our subconscious can leave us living a life of fear, anxiety and doubt. What if we could change the subconscious mind to help us create the life we want and step into our full potential? The good news is that we can, with Therapeutic Hypnotherapy.

Therapeutic Hypnotherapy helps you deeply relax and enter into a theta brain wave pattern, also known as a meditative state. While in this state, we can access the subconscious mind, and old thoughts and unwanted patterns are replaced with healthy and empowering ones. Dr. Bruce Lipton, renowned biologist and author states, "The subconscious mind learns in 3 fundamental ways. The first is Hypnosis." 

If you are ready to release what is not working for you and create the life you deserve, I would be honored to join you in this healing journey.

I invite you to learn about me, my offerings, and scheduling.






"What we think we become."
